WildTrail Outfitters - Premium Outdoor Gear, Camping Essentials & Backpacking Tools
WildTrail Outfitters - Premium Outdoor Gear, Camping Essentials & Backpacking Tools WildTrail Outfitters - Premium Outdoor Gear, Camping Essentials & Backpacking Tools
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Things That Keep Us Warm, Level 4 is a leveled reader with simple sentences to describe items common throughout Canada, like the parka, hats, and socks, and some items that are uniquely Northern, like the qulliq (oil lamp). This 8-page reader is part of Inhabit Education's new series Nunavummi Reading. Level 4 titles range from 8 to 12 pages with a single sentence per page. Each sentence is simple with basic punctuation and is aided by a colour photograph that helps the beginning reader decode the text.  Unique to the Arctic are the kamiks, and oil lamps called the qulliq. A Coleman stove and a house are other things that keep people warm. This book is a welcome addition to the standard leveled reading series world. Inhabit Education has produced an excellent reading series that appeals to southern and northern elementary students and reading teachers. The books in this series are leveled according to the Fountas and Pinnell system. Fountas & Pinnell: B. Grade: Kindergarten.

Things That Keep Us Warm Level 4

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